CCDR are in a consultation process to adapt the PEEK protocol for implementation in urgent care, including disaster and conflict setting. If you are a stakeholder and would like to collaborate, please get in touch at

PHASE 1 Audit of Swiss Patient Organisations

CCDR conducted phase 1 of an audit of patient organisations in Switzerland. The aim of stage one of the audit was to:

To identify charities that are focused on health or chronic conditions registered federally in Switzerland

To identify charities that are patient organisations, that is, provide patient support, information or advocacy

To understand the breadth of disease areas covered by patient organisation in Switzerland

Click here to read the report

CCDR has reported on the following conditions through our PEEK program. Please contact us to access reports at

Ovarian cancer
Breast cancer
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Mitochondrial disease
Chronic kidney disease
Chronic heart failure
Lung cancer
Bladder cancer
Breast cancer
Atopic dermatitis

Tuberous sclerosis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Crohn’s disease
Ulcerative colitis
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Prostate cancer
HER2 positive breast cancer

HER2 positive breast cancer
Triple negative breast cancer
Hormone positive breast cancer
Liver cancer
Bladder cancer
Lung cancer
CAR-T treatable blood cancer
Heart and blood vessel conditions
Rare conditions
Hidradenitis supurrativa